Evening Dress of the Civil War Era
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1859 |
1. | Evening dress of black net over black silk, dress of white tulle with two skirts embroidered in floss, Peterson’s, January 1859. |
2. | Fichus for dinner or evening dress, Godey’s, January and April 1859. |
3. | Fichu and headdresses, Godey’s, February 1859. |
4. | The Almeda evening-dress, Godey’s, February 1859. |
5. | Newest style of dinner dress, Peterson’s, March 1859. |
6. | Ball or party dress, Godey’s, March 1859. |
7. | Pattern diagram of ball or party dress pictured on page 6, Godey’s, March 1859. |
8. | Dinner dress of white grenadine, dress of mauve colored silk, dinner or evening dress, dress of white organdy, Godey’s, May 1859. |
9. | Dinner dress, boy’s dress, Godey’s, May 1859. |
10. | Body for evening dress, and pattern diagram, Peterson’s, June 1859. |
11. | Evening dress of blue silk, dinner dress with two skirts of white embroidered muslin, Peterson’s, July 1859. |
12. | Evening dress of pink barege, Peterson’s, July 1859. |
13. | Fancy ribbon headdress, description of headdress fashions, Godey’s, August 1859. |
14. | Dinner dress in printed organdie, visiting dress, evening dress of white tarleton, evening dress of plain white organdie, description of young ladies' evening dress fashions, Godey’s, August 1859. |
15. | Elegant evening dress and pattern diagram, Godey’s, September 1859. |
16. | Evening dress of pink crepe, walking dress of dark green silk, Peterson’s, September 1859. |
17. | Evening dress, Godey’s, October 1859. |
18. | Cutting diagram for evening dress pictured on page 17, Godey’s, October 1859. |
19. | Tunic dress, robe with double skirt, tunic dress, tarleton dress for a young lady, Godey’s, December 1859. |
20. | Berthe for evening dress, evening head-dresses, Peterson’s, September and December 1859. |
21. | Dress for a little girl of about five, evening dress for a young girl of fifteen, out-of-doors dress for a girl of twelve years of age, Peterson’s, December 1859. |
1860 |
22. | Evening dress of white tulle, evening dress of white crepe, blue satin opera cloak, Peterson’s, January 1860. |
23. | Evening dress in plaid grenadine, Godey’s, February 1860. |
24. | Evening dress of white silk, evening dress of rose-colored silk, dress for the opera, evening dress of white silk, Godey’s, February 1860. |
25. | Dress of light Summer silk, silk walking dress, dress of white tarletane, dress of white and mauve grenadine, child’s dress, Godey’s, May 1860. |
26. | The Juliet evening dress, Godey’s, May 1860. |
27. | The Beatrice evening dress, Godey’s, May 1860. |
28. | The Constance evening dress, Godey’s, May 1860. |
29. | Dress of apple green silk, dress of thin white muslin, Peterson’s, May 1860. |
30. | The Saratoga evening dress and pattern diagram, Peterson’s, June 1860. |
31. | Evening headdresses, Swiss canezou, Godey’s, June 1860. |
32. | Dress of pink organdie, dress of pearl colored silk, Godey’s, June 1860. |
33. | Fashionable dress for a lady, Godey’s, June 1860. |
34. | Tunic dress of gray and black silk, dress for an evening gathering, dress barège Anglais, Godey’s, July 1860. |
35. | New style of Girdle, Godey’s, July 1860. |
36. | Dinner dress of white embroidered muslin, evening dress of white silk, Peterson’s, July 1860. |
37. | Morning dress for a watering place, dinner dress, full evening dress for a young girl, dress of white glacé silk, Godey’s, August 1860. |
38. | Fichus, Godey’s, August 1860. |
39. | Net for the hair, evening headdress, fichu, Godey’s, September 1860. |
40. | Evening dress for the sea-side, Godey’s, September 1860. |
41. | White silk dress, dress of white silk, dress of violet silk, tarletane dress, Godey’s, September 1860. |
42. | Dress of white crape, skirt of white satin, dress of plain apple green glacé, dress of white silk, Godey’s, October 1860. |
43. | Lady’s waistband, Peterson’s, October 1860, and Godey’s, February 1862. |
44. | Pattern diagram of lady’s waistband, Peterson’s, October 1860. |
45. | Evening dress of white tulle, dinner dress of mauve-colored silk, description of headdresses, Peterson’s, November 1860. |
46. | Bertha of black lace, Headdress of black lace, Godey’s, November 1860. |
47. | Brides and Bridesmaids, Godey’s, December 1860. |
48. | The Coraline evening dress of striped silk, Godey’s, December 1860. |
1861 |
49. | Princess Royal Body, Peterson’s, January 1861. |
50. | Pattern diagram for Princess Royal Body pictured on page 49, Peterson’s, January 1861. |
51. | Evening dress of light blue silk, evening dress of white muslin Peterson’s, July 1861. |
52. | Dress of rows of purple and mineral gray silk, Godey’s, June 1861. |
53. | Robe with three skirts of pink and white thulle, Godey’s, July 1861. |
54. | Headdresses, Peterson’s, July 1861. |
55. | Dinner dress of white grenadine, dress of pompadour silk, dress for a young girl, robe of India muslin, robe of white satin, Godey’s, August 1861. |
56. | Evening dress of white mull, visiting dress of purple silk, Peterson’s, September 1861. |
57. | Headdress, new style cape, bows and rosette for shoes, Peterson’s, October 1861. |
58. | Home dress, Reception dress for a bride, boy’s dress, baby’s dress, Godey’s, November 1861. |
59. | Cloak of black velvet, evening dress of pink silk, Peterson’s, December 1861. |
1862 |
60. | Ball dress bodies, Peterson’s, April 1862. |
61. | The Medicis Girdle, Godey’s, June 1862. |
62. | Lace and net bertha cape, black lace pointed bertha cape, Godey’s, June 1862. |
63. | Coronets, Godey’s, July 1862. |
64. | Fancy waist for an evening dress, Godey’s, July 1862. |
65. | Evening dress of white barege, evening dress of pink grenadine, Peterson’s, July 1862. |
66. | Evening dress of white book-muslin, house dress of black silk, Peterson’s, August 1862. |
67. | Description of evening dress fashions, Godey’s January 1862, the Jenny dress, Godey’s, November 1862. |
68. | Fichu Impèratrice, the Victoria bertha, Godey’s, November 1862. |
69. | New style of coiffure for a young lady, Godey’s, December 1862. |
70. | Preparing for the Christmas party, Godey’s, December 1862. |
1863 |
71. | Dress for a bridesmaid, dress of white reps, white satin dress, white glacé silk, dress for a bridesmaid, Godey’s, January 1863. |
72. | House dress of light-colored silk, ball dress of white silk, Peterson’s, January 1863. |
73. | Evening dress of white dotted lace over white silk, carriage dress of fawn colored silk, Peterson’s, April 1863. |
74. | Evening dress of white organdie, description of evening bodices, Peterson’s, July 1863. |
75. | Evening dress of thin white muslin, dress of thin white muslin, Peterson’s, July 1863. |
76. | Evening dress of white muslin, evening dress of blue organdy, Peterson’s, August 1863. |
77. | White crépé dress, pearl-colored silk dress, plain white glacé silk dress, white silk dress, light amber-colored satin dress, Godey’s, September 1863. |
78. | Coiffure for a ball, new style of waterfall, Alexandra ringlets, Godey’s, November 1863. |
79. | Imperial blue poplin dress, dress of brown silk, child’s dress of cuir-colored poplin, bride’s dress of a striped moiré, pearl-colored silk dress, dress of mauve silk, Godey’s, December 1863. |
1864 |
80. | Ball dress of white silk, evening dress of blue silk, Peterson’s, January 1864. |
81. | Marie Antoinette fichu, Godey’s, February 1864. |
82. | Dinner dress of rich pearl-colored silk, evening dress of heavy white corded silk, child’s dress of checked silk, walking dress of smoke-gray poplin, rich lilac robe silk, Godey’s, April 1864. |
83. | Headdress and hairstyles, description of evening headdresses, Peterson’s, April 1864. |
84. | Dinner dress of a gray plaid silk, evening dress for second mourning, child’s walking dress, Godey’s, May 1864. |
85. | Evening dress of pink silk, Peterson’s, June 1864, Peterson’s, July 1864. |
86. | Young lady’s dress of white tarletan, Peterson’s, June 1864. |
87. | The Eugenie fichu, Peterson’s, June 1864. |
88. | Pattern diagram for the Eugenie fichu pictured on page 87, Peterson’s, June 1864. |
89. | Light colored grenadine dress, evening dress of Summer silk, Peterson’s, July 1864. |
90. | White grenadine dress, dress of buff silk, dress of white alpaca, dress of French muslin, dress of pink percale, ball dress, Godey’s, July 1864. |
91. | Evening dress of blue silk, Peterson’s, July 1864. |
92. | Evening dress of white muslin, Peterson’s, August 1864. |
93. | Evening dress of white silk, dress of rose-colored silk, Godey’s, September 1864. |
94. | Rival charms, Peterson’s, October 1864. |
95. | Carriage dress of blue silk, evening dress of straw-colored crepe, Peterson’s, November 1864. |
96. | Fawn-colored silk dress, dress of green silk, dinner dress of black and white cross-barred silk, dress and petticoat of dark cuir-colored reps, Godey’s, December 1864. |
97. | Knickerbocker dress for a little boy, evening dress for a young lady, dress for a little girl, Peterson’s, December 1864. |
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