1860s blue silk day dress

Reproduction Outfits

by Vintage Victorian

(click on small images for larger version)

Dress of azure blue silk taffeta. Full length skirt, long sleeves

Detail, front of bodice, black silk lace trim accented with black glass beads. Button front with black glass buttons.
Front bodice detail of lace trim. Neckline is piped, no collar. Front of skirt waist is pleated.

Back of the bodice, lace trim goes around the neck. Back bodice seams are top stitched.
Detail of the back waist, back of skirt is gauged (cartridge pleated). Skirt is basted to the bodice.

Dress side view.
Back view.

Cull detail.
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1920s dancers
Ladies Evening Dress:
the Early Jazz Age:1920-1924

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Nahant Dancers
Come to the Nahant Victorian Day Ball
July 16, 2011
with music by Spare Parts

last updated 25 may 2011/csb