1913 Summer Fashions
Summer is here and with it lighter summer wardrobes. We illustrate here some styles from 1913 to inspire a pre World War I summer wardrobe.
Three Summer styles from June 1913 illustrated here are: a beige-colored crepe frock, perfect for a morning’s errands; an evening frock of violet chiffon to dance the night away; and a
frock of marquisette and soft taffeta for a garden party or afternoon tea. Full descriptions are below. |
Lingerie Frock, 1913
“The lingerie frock shown in Design 2019 is of plain and embroidered batiste. The lower skirt is of plain batiste–it is very slightly
draped and crossed in the center of front–it is rounded at the lower part. The tunic is of embroidered batiste finished at the lower part with
hemstitching. The tunic is trimmed on each side with bands of eyelet embroidered batiste. The bands begin on each side of the front and end at the
lower part of the tunic in the back. The deep girdle is of soft violet colored taffeta. The sash end is of taffeta and starts on the left side of
front from under the girdle–it crosses the hip and meets the second sash end which starts from under the girdle at the right side of the
back–the sash ends in a knot below the hip line. The corsage and sleeve which are in one are of eyelet embroidery combined with embroidered
batiste. The fronts of the lower part of the corsage and sleeve are joined to the upper part with beading. The neck is open in the front
V–shape–it is outlined with a narrow frill of embroidered batiste. The girdle is closed in front under a violet and red rose.”
From Le Bon Ton and Le Moniteur de la Mode, June 1913:
Description of June Color Plate, 1913
The frock illustrated in Design 2023 (left) is beige-colored crepe. The skirt is made with a plait on each side of the front–it
is made with long loops over each hip which form a slight drapery below the hip line. The skirt is very slightly shirred from the top of the high
waist line from under a girdle of green brocaded crepe. The jacket corsage opens in the front over a draped vest of white chiffon—the vest is
embroidered on each side of the front. The back of the jacket corsage is curved and hangs loose over the girdle.
The back is slashed across the
shoulders–the lower part of the jacket is attached to the upper part with stitching. The sleeve, which is slightly fulled at the top, is
attached to the lining of the jacket. The jacket arm hole is loose over the sleeve–the sleeve is finished below the elbow with a flare
cuff of the material which is finished with a frill of batiste. The collar is of embroidered batiste.
Illustration 2024 shows an evening frock of violet chiffon (right). The long tunic is draped from each side of the front–it
is turned under at the lower part, forming a double hem. The white skirt is veiled with chiffon the same color which separates in the front,
forming a point under the chiffon tunic. The skirt is of chiffon, showing a band underneath. The skirt is slightly trained. The back of skirt
is finished with a plaited panel which ends in a point over the lower part of the skirt. The lower corsage is of white lace and chiffon. The
sleeve is in one with the corsage. The sleeve is of violet silk to match. The girdle is of soft silk to match, finished in front with silk
roses. The coat to be worn with this frock is illustrated to the left (4708).
The frock shown in illustration 2025 (left) is of mole–colored marquisette and soft taffeta of a darker shade. The skirt
opens in front over a panel of soft white satin. The skirt is embroidered on each side of the opening with mole and gold thread. The lower
part of the skirt is finished with a deep hem of the material which is finished on the edge with gold and mole silk embroidery. The drapery,
which is of taffeta, starts on each side of the front from under the girdle and is tied in the center of the back over a panel of the
material. The lower skirt is draped in the back from under the girdle onto the back of the corsage and ends at the shoulder line and is
held in place under the embroidery of mole silk and gold thread. The lower corsage is faced with white silk—the outside corsage is of marquistte. The sleeve is in one with the corsage. The lower part of the undersleeve is faced with lace. The neck, which is V-shaped, is embroidered with gold thread. The lower corsage is of white chiffon. The pointed panel on the front of corsage is of the taffeta and is embroidered at the upper part with gold thread and is trimmed at the lower part with tiny gold buttons finished on each end with a larger button. The girdle is of reddish violet—it is fastened in the front under a buckle of pink enamel.
From Le Bon Ton and Le Moniteur de la Mode, June 1913
Ladies’ Summer Straw Hats 1913
from Le Bon Ton and Le Moniteur de la Mode
Fig. 1.—The large hat (left) is of black straw draped in white watered silk and trimmed on the right side with a white Paradise. It is finished
in the front with a bow of black velvet ribbon. June, 1913
Fig. 2.—The small hat (right) is of black moire straw trimmed with immense bows of black tulle. Model Bertholle. August, 1913
Ladies’ Bathing Suits, July 1913
from Le Bon Ton and Le Moniteur de la Mode
Fig. 3.—Bathing suit of blue moire poplin (upper left). Design 4833. The skirt laps slightly to the side of the front and is trimmed
with two clusters of crystal buttons. The skirt is plaited at the waist line at the sides and in the back. The corsage fastens at
the side of the front under an ornament made of blue silk cord. The collar is of white silk embroidered in blue silk cord. The girdle
is of blue silk. The short sleeve is trimmed with crystal buttons.
Bathing suit of black satin (above center). Design 4834. The skirt is made with a tuck around the bottom and fulled at the waist
line. The corsage is corded on each side of the front and back and is trimmed with crystal buttons rimmed in jet. The collar and
tie are of white silk embroidered in Bulgarian colors. The sleeve is cut in one with the sides of the corsage. The girdle of black
satin forms a sash end at the left side of the front.
Bathing suit of blue and white striped silk combined with plain blue (above right). Design 4835. The skirt is made with a yoke of
striped silk. The lower part is plain silk and is joined to the upper with stitching. The corsage is trimmed on the shoulders and in the front
with blue silk embroidered in Bulgarian colors. The revers are also faced with the embroidery. The corsage fastens in the front with
ivorine buttons. The girdle and ends are of black satin.
last updated 1 jun 2017/csb