Fabric and Sewing Notions Suppliers
Vintage Victorian
P. O. Box 9
Nahant, MA 01908
Vintage Dress Series books, including period dress and hairstyles, costume reproductions
and costuming advice.
The Commonwealth Vintage Dancers
CVD has an 1860’s man’s stock (necktie) pattern
available for $2.00, contact Katy Bishop at
140 River Street
Cambridge, MA
(617) 547-2455
Used and new men’s formal wear, excellent prices.
Past Patterns
PO Box 60299
Dayton, OH 45406-0299
Highly recommended publisher of patterns taken from original period garments;
they are highly accurate, good detailed instructions.
2000 Riverside Drive #3
Asheville, NC 28804
Supplier of historical and ethnic patterns that are quite accurate and easy to use, has catalog.
Patterns of Fashion, vols. 1 and 2
by Janet Arnold
Drama Book, ISBN 0 333 13607 1 (volume 2)
Has historically accurate 1/4 scale patterns for gowns, taken from actual garments,
has evening gown patterns for many periods, volumes I and II cover styles ranging from 1660 through the 1940's.
State Historical Society of Wisconsin
Patterns of History
30 North Carroll Street
Madison, WI 53703
A line of historical patterns which is also quite good.
Laughing Moon Mercantile
2131 51st Street
Sacramento, CA 95817-1506
Publisher of patterns for period garments including 1890’s and 1910’s evening wear.
Dover Publications Inc.
31 East 2nd Street
Mineola, New York 11501-3582
Publisher of period catalogues, books, and costume reference books, has catalog,
no phone orders, also available in most bookstores.
R. L. Shep Publications
(707) 964-8662
Attn: Fred Struthers,
P O Box 2706, Fort Bragg, CA 95437
Republishes original manuals on tailoring and dressmaking from the 19th and early
20th centuries.
Greenberg and Hammer Inc.
24 W. 57th Street
New York, NY 10019
(800) 955-5135
Supplier of sewing notions, including corset supplies, has catalog.
P.O. Box 98
Rosemeadl, CA 91770
Phone: (626) 569-9919
Supplier of a wide variety of patterns, supplies and books, they carry patterns from most historical pattern companies, has catalog.
Amazon Dry goods
2218 E. 11th Street
Davenport, IA 52803
Supplier of a wide variety of patterns, supplies and books, carry patterns from most
historical pattern companies, has catalogs.
Thai silks
252 State Street
Los Altos, CA 94022
(800) 722-7455 -- (800) 221-7455 in California
Supplier of silks, in many styles, about half the price of retail stores, has price list and
sample sets.
Oriental Silk Co.
8377 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90048
(213) 651-2323
Silk supplier, a little more expensive than Thai silks, but they carry some linens and wools and Kwong Chow silk satin,
an excellent lightweight slipper satin, has price list and sample sets.