Table of Contents
1. | Paris sea-side gown, Harper's Bazar, September 2, 1893. |
2. | Ladies' bicycling suit, Ladies' Standard Magazine, October 1893. |
3. | Ladies' Toilette, Ladies' Standard Magazine, October 1893. |
4. | Ladies' outdoor toilettes, E. Butterick & Co., Autumn 1893. |
5. | Worth midwinter costume, Harper's Bazar, February 17, 1894. |
6. | Ladies' promenade toilette, The Delineator, March 1894. |
7. | Ladies' Toilette, The Delineator, March 1894. |
8. | Ladies' costume, The Delineator, March 1894. |
9. | Casino toilette from Worth, Harper's Bazar, June 16, 1894. |
10. | Bicycle costumes with divided skirt, with pattern diagram, Harper's Bazar, June 16, 1894. |
11. | Seaside dress, Tennis dress, Harper's Bazar, June 16, 1894. |
12. | French garden-party toilette, Harper's Bazar, July 14, 1894. |
13. | Ladies' fête toilette, The Delineator, August 1894. |
14. | Ladies' afternoon toilette, The Delineator, December 1894. |
15. | Wool gown with moiré velvet, silk gown with box-pleated waist, with pattern diagram, Harper's Bazar, February 16, 1895. |
16. | Pattern diagrams and descriptions for illustrations on pages 15 and 17. |
17. | Peau de soie gown with guipure lace, with pattern diagram, Harper's Bazar, February 16, 1895. |
18. | Ladies' Spring Costume, The Delineator, May 1895. |
19. | Belted piqué gown, with pattern diagram, Harper's Bazar, June 15, 1895. |
20. | Serge waist with batiste vest and checked skirt, with pattern diagram, Harper's Bazar, June 15, 1895. |
21. | Sea-side gown of white canvas, India silk dress with batiste collar, Harper's Bazar, June 15, 1895. |
22. | Ladies' Costume, The Delineator, July 1895. |
23. | Ladies' costume with seven-gored ripple skirt, The Delineator, July 1895. |
24. | Charming Summer Gown, Girl's Pompadour Silk Frock, Harper's Bazar, July 27, 1895. |
25. | Ladies' Princess dress, The Delineator, September 1895. |
26. | Ladies' afternoon costume, The Delineator, September 1895. |
27. | Ladies' blazer suit, The Delineator, March 1896. |
28. | Ladies' double-breasted jacket, Combination and decoration for a ladies' middy costume, Combination and decoration for a ladies' toilette, The Delineator, March 1896. |
29. | Ladies' afternoon toilette, The Delineator, March 1896. |
30. | French watering-place toilette by Worth, Harper's Bazar, May 30, 1896. |
31. | Ladies' shirt-waist, Ladies' tailor-made costume, Ladies' toilette, The Delineator, July 1896. |
32. | Ladies' costume, Ladies' toilette, Ladies' empire coat, Ladies' basque-waist, The Delineator, July 1896. |
33. | Ladies' outdoor toilette, Metropolitan Fashions, December 1896. |
34. | Ladies' basque-waist, Ladies' costume with seven-gored skirt, Metropolitan Fashions, December 1896. |
35. | Ladies' costume, The Delineator, December 1896. |
36. | White pique costume, Dotted batiste gown with velvet ribbon, Harper's Bazar, June 26, 1897. |
37. | Gown of organdy or Swiss muslin, Ladies' bloomers and leggings, Ladies' bicycle skirt, Espinato corsage, Carlier basque, Wignia waist, Demorest's Family Magazine, August 1897. |
38. | French travelling costume, Harper's Bazar, July 27, 1895. |
39. | Capes and collarettes, Boggs & Buhl, Autumn-Winter 1895-96. |
40. | 10 illustrated blouses, blouse-waists, and shirt-waists, The Delineator, July 1894. |
41. | Descriptions of illustrations on page 40. |
42. | Fashionable skirt decorations, The Delineator, May 1895. |
43. | Descriptions of illustrations on page 42. |
44. | Blouse-waist, with removable fancy collar, Ladies' fancy stole-collar and sailor-collar for waists, The Delineator, September 1895. |
45. | Combinations and decorations for ladies' waists, The Delineator, December 1896. |
46. | Novel effects in decoration of collars and sleeves, The Delineator, August 1894. |
47. | Description of illustrations on page 46. |
48. | Ladies' fancy yokes and waist decorations, The Delineator, December 1895. |
49. | Ladies' waist decorations and fancy collars, The Delineator. December 1895. |
50. | Corsage accessories, Demorest's Family Magazine, February 1896. |
51. | Ladies' collars and waist decorations, The Delineator, July 1896. |
52. | Shirt-waist collars and cuffs, Fancy stock collars, The Delineator, July 1896. |
53. | Ladies' waist decorations and fichus, The Delineator, December 1896. |
54. | Description of illustrations on page 53. |
55. | Langdon & Bacheller's Corsets, Boggs & Buhl, Autumn and Winter 1895-96. |
56. | Ladies' corset covers and drawers, Boggs & Buhl, Autumn & Winter, 1895-96. |
57. | Ladies' French open drawers, Ladies' French corset cover, bicycle corset advertisement, The Delineator, July 1896. |
58. | Ladies' Petticoat-skirt with straight Spanish flounce, R & G corset advertisement, The Delineator, July 1896. |
59. | Shoe styles, H. O'Neill & Co., Spring & Summer 1892. |
60. | Some new Summer shoes, Harper's Bazar, June 8, 1895. |
61. | Untrimmed hats and bonnets, H. O'Neill & Co., Spring & Summer 1892. |
62. | Untrimmed Spring and Summer hats, tulle hat, black lace hat, Harper's Bazar, March 18, 1893. |
63. | Fashionable hats and hat shapes, The Delineator, March 1894. |
64. | Fashionable hats and hat shapes, The Delineator, March 1894. |
65. | Coiffures à la mode, The Delineator, March 1894. |
66. | Coiffures à la mode continued, The Delineator, March 1894. |
67. | Some fashionable hats, The Delineator, July 1894. |
68. | Ladies' "light as air" hats, The Delineator, July 1894. |
69. | Spring hat, Spring bonnet, Untrimmed Spring and Summer hats, Harper's Bazar, March 16, 1895. |
70. | Stylish Summer hats, The Delineator, July 1896. |
71. | Summer hats, The Delineator, July 1896. |
72. | Description of illustrations on pages 70 and 71. |
73. | Haircombs and hairpins, Boggs & Buhl, Autumn & Winter 1895-96. |
74. | A morning hairdressing, Weldon's Ladies' Journal, August 2, 1897. |
75. | Venise lace trims, Boggs & Buhl, Autumn & Winter 1895-96. |
76. | Embroidered eyelet trims, Boggs & Buhl, Autumn & Winter 1895-96. |
77. | Torchon and Valenciennes lace trims, Boggs & Buhl, Autumn & Winter 1895-96. |
78. | Gentlemen's cutaway sack suit, one-button walking suit, Brokaw Brothers, Spring & Summer 1892. |
79. | Gentlemen's double-breasted sack suit, single-breasted sack suit, Brokaw Brothers, Spring & Summer 1892. |
80. | Gentlemen's single-breasted sack, cutaway frock sack, double-breasted sack, The Putnam, Spring & Summer 1895. |
81. | Gentlemen's Spring overcoats, Summer wash vests, The Putnam, Spring & Summer 1895. |
82. | Gentlemen's trousers, The Direct Supply Co., Spring & Summer 1896. |
83. | Gentlemen's shirts, The Direct Supply Co., Spring & Summer 1896. |
84. | Gentlemen's suits, The Direct Supply Co., Spring & Summer 1896. |
85. | Gentlemen's neckwear and neckwear cloth patterns, The Delineator, March 1894. |
86. | Gentlemen's collars and cuffs, The Putnam, Spring & Summer, 1895. |
87. | Gentlemen's bow ties and string ties, The Delineator, March 1896. |
88. | Gentlemen's hats, Besse Syndicate, Spring 1897. |
89. | Guimpe frock for a girl, with pattern diagram, Apron for a girl from 2 to 4 years old, Harper's Bazar, February 16, 1895. |
90. | Shirt waist and trousers for a boy from 11 to 12 years old, Frock with large collar for girl from 14 to 16 years old, Harper's Bazar, June 15, 1895. |
91. | Pique frock for girl from 5 to 6 years old with pattern diagram, Gingham frock for boy from 2 to 4 years old with pattern diagram, Harper's Bazar, June 15, 1895. |
92. | Misses dress, with straight, full skirt, Girl's middy costume, The Delineator, March 1896. |
93. | Child's double-breast Waverly suit, Child's standard suit, Boggs & Buhl, Spring & Summer 1892. |
94. | Child's Rennert suit, Child's sailor suit, Boggs & Buhl, Spring & Summer 1892. |
95. | Child's sailor suits, Three-piece suits, Little junior suits, The Putnam, Spring & Summer 1895. |
96. | Selection of boy's suits, Boggs & Buhl, Autumn & Winter 1895-96. |
97. | Children's caps and bonnets, Boggs & Buhl, Autumn & Winter 1895-96. |
98. | Boy's ties, ladies' collars and trimmings, Boggs & Buhl, Autumn & Winter 1895-96. |
99. | Advertisements, Harper's Bazar, February 16, 1895. |
100. | Advertisement, The Delineator, December 1896. |
101. | Advertisement, Young Ladies' Journal, March 1, 1895. |
102. | R & G corset Advertisement, Ladies' Home Journal, September 1898. |
Boggs & Buhl, Autumn and Winter Fashions 1895-96, Allegheny, Pennsylvania.
Brokaw Bros., Fine Clothing, Spring and Summer 1892, New York.
Besse Syndicate, Spring Catalogue, 1897, Foster Avery & Co., Portland, Maine
The Delineator: a Journal of Fashion, Culture and Fine Arts, Butterick Publishing Company (Limited), London and New York.
1894: March, May, July, August, December
1895: May, July, September, December
1896: February, March, July, December
Demorest's Family Magazine, Demorest Publishing Company, New York.
February 1896, August 1897
The Direct Supply Company, Spring and Summer 1896, New York.
E. Butterick and Co.'s Catalogue for Autumn 1893, Butterick Publishing Company (Limited), London and New York.
H. O'Neill & Company, Spring and Summer Catalogue, 1892, New York.
Harper's Bazar, Harper & Brothers, New York.
1893: March 13, September 2
1894: February 17, June 16, July 14
1895: February 16, March 16, June 8, June 15, July 27
1896: May 30
1897: June 26
The Ladies' Home Journal, September 1898, The Curtis Publishing Company, Philadelphia.
The Ladies' Monthly Review, October 1894, The Butterick Publishing Company (Limited), London and New York.2.
The Ladies' Standard Magazine, October 1893, Standard Fashion Company, New York and Chicago.
Metropolitan Fashions, December 1896, the Butterick Publishing Company (Limited), London and New York.
The Putnam, Spring and Summer 1895, Chicago.
Weldon's Ladies' Journal, August 1897, Weldon and Company, London.
The Young Ladies' Journal, March 1, 1895, E. Harrison, London.
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